J. Tyler Bittner

Data Engineering &
Machine Learning Portfolio

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(always a work in progress)


This portfolio is to track and share what I’ve learned through projects and courses I’ve taken in my journey to level-up my nerd skills. It includes links to Juypter Notebooks, code from tutorials & workshops, book notes, and algorithm coding exercises.

Brief career tour: I rocked full-stack and data-centric software engineering for over 13 years using many languages then at the senior level shifted focus into team leadership and project management, then decided to shift back to being hands on to build more great software. At that point Python became my clear language of choice and my journey into machine learning began.

Ping me on LinkedIn if you’d like to know more!


  1. Data Engineering: Preparation & Cleaning
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis
  3. Data Visualization
  4. Machine Learning: Modeling & Algorithms
  5. Statistics & Probability

Data Engineering: Preparation & Cleaning

Exploratory Data Analysis

Data Visualization

Machine Learning: Modeling & Algorithms

Statistics & Probability